Mar 25
Dancer default directory layout
As a personal reminder, here's the dir layout or directory structure Dancer implicitly recommends by making it what the "make application" switch generates:
$ cpan Dancer # or cpanp, or cpanm
$ dancer -a MyApp
Dancer version ?: |
Dancer 1.3080: + MyApp + MyApp/bin + MyApp/bin/ + MyApp/config.yml + MyApp/environments + MyApp/environments/development.yml + MyApp/environments/production.yml + MyApp/views + MyApp/views/ + MyApp/views/layouts + MyApp/views/layouts/ + MyApp/MANIFEST.SKIP + MyApp/lib MyApp/lib/ + MyApp/lib/ + MyApp/public + MyApp/public/css + MyApp/public/css/style.css + MyApp/public/css/error.css + MyApp/public/images + MyApp/public/500.html + MyApp/public/404.html + MyApp/public/dispatch.fcgi + MyApp/public/dispatch.cgi + MyApp/public/javascripts + MyApp/public/javascripts/jquery.js + MyApp/t + MyApp/t/002_index_route.t + MyApp/t/001_base.t + MyApp/Makefile.PL |